I write because I enjoy it. I already have a full time job, so writing isn’t meant to be a source of income for me. But I’ve gotten a number of questions on the name Chair|4 and its background and meaning. As bizarre as the name may sound to some, Chair|4 has a much deeper meaning to me personally.
I started a company last summer for my 16 year old son to help him create his own apparel brand. He was into fashion, had great style and wanted to explore his creative side. I put nearly $7,000 of my own money into it, vector files, swatch samples, mood boards, marketing courses, overseas manufacturers, etc. You get the gist. But as many young boys do at that age, he lost interest in it over time, and moved on to different things (that’s code for: he got a girlfriend).
Most parents would be pissed. So much time, energy and resources went into it, it seems somewhat disingenuous to just push it aside and pursue other things. But I wasn’t pissed, far from it actually. Now, let me tell you the rest of the story.
Just prior to that summer, I was a CFO of a nine-figure private-equity backed healthcare company, traveling 24/7 for work, and totally consumed by my job. Don’t judge. I’m a CPA. That’s just what we do. But meanwhile back at home, at a critical time when my son needed me most, I wasn’t there. Physically or emotionally. And that absolutely shattered me to the core.
The answer became emphatically simple. I left my my high profile job, took the summer off of work, and dove head first into anything and everything he wanted, just so we could spend time together. And those ventures include a now defunct apparel company, aptly named Chair|4 by my one and only son. It’s a reminder of what’s important to me, and who is important to me.
So how did he come up with that name? It’s a much longer and more fascinating story about a mental health journey. But I salvaged the name because I wanted and needed a lasting reminder of the bigger picture.
It was a hard life lesson learned. No matter how many times someone told me that time was more precious than money, I kept chasing it under the guise of providing for my kids, but in reality I was the one who got all of my priorities royally fucked up. And I know that.
Today, he’s doing phenomenal. He’s an amazing son. He and I are rock solid. And there is no dollar amount in this world that I would trade that for. I would’ve gladly given up more of my time and cash to have what he and I now have.
So, if there is any takeaway from this, learn from my mistakes and answer this truthfully: What and who is most important to you at this very moment? And whatever your answer may be, think critically about whether your actions actually support and validate your answer. Invest in who is important to you today. And when you love, love big and love unconditionally.
Perhaps you have a similar symbol in your life. If so, I want to know your story.